Tämän päivän luukkuun on koottu sarjan hahmojen hauskoja ja mieleenpainuvia vuorosanoja. Niitä voit lukea lisää sivustoltamme.
Arvaatko kenelle Alice on sanonut näin toisella kaudella?
" What's your plan Elvis? Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse? "
Entä kenelle Alice on tokaissut näin?
" Take your Zoot and shove him where the sun don't shine!"
Amberin suusta on kuultu myös useita napakoita ja hauskojakin lausahduksia.
"Democracies need defending."
"I'm just trying to imagine you with a brain, Gel, but it's hard. Maybe your soul purpose in life is to function as a warning to others, yeah?"
Tai-San puhuu paljon vertauskuvilla ja hyvinkin filosofisesti.
“ The grass knows its weak and so it bends, the tree does not and it breaks and falls.”
“ Are you afraid of a little flower power?”
“ The only power that matters is the power to heal.”
“ All true paths have dangers.”
Ebony on piikitellyt Pridea oikein urakalla.
"What? Did you swallow a history book or something?"
"What do you know, tofu boy?!"
Muistatko, koska Trudy sanoi näin Ebonylle?
“ Whatever you steal, Ebony, you can never have what we’ve got. This place might be in ruins, but at least we're decent. You’re just a tramp with a load of bully boys, running around after you. ”
Tunnistat varmasti, kenen suusta nämä lainaukset ovat tulleet?
"No more teachers, no more schools, no more books!"
“Power and Chaos - it’s the only way!”
Tiedätkö kenen suusta nämä viisaat sanat on kuultu? Ja kenelle ne on osoitettu?
“You’re afraid. Afraid that you won’t be able to cope in a world that might stretch a man’s brain more than the next decision of burying gathering!”
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